by S333 in Vijfhuizen, The Netherlands
Details   Views:  177
Data Info
Author S333
City Vijfhuizen
Country The Netherlands
Year 2023
Program Residential development
Technical Info
Site area 12000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 120 inh/ha
Home Units: 56
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 1 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    Urban Design and Masterplan 


  • Dense housing development situated on small plots. It accommodates a wide range of house types and cost categories, responding to diverse housing needs.
  • The design creates an atmosphere of "regular irregularity", giving the development a village-like density that feels cosy and intimate despite the high density.
  • The project is broken into two phases: Phase 1 includes 42 dwellings (90-125 m²) and Phase 2 adds 14 dwellings (160-250 m²).

    Housing Typologies and Customization


  • The homes are conceived as a series of generic "farm-like" buildings, offering a limited number of base house types but with opportunities for customization, such as selecting ground-floor extensions and roof additions.
  • The variety in customization leads to complex and varied spaces between the buildings.
  • Diagonal views are created across private and collective spaces.

    Sustainability and Cost


  • Building costs for the development were approximately EUR 6,800,000, indicating the project's emphasis on cost-efficiency.
  • The compact, village-like layout supports a sustainable form of dense housing, reducing the footprint of individual homes and promoting efficient land use.

    Architectural Features


  • The homes retain a farm-like aesthetic, blending modern urban housing with traditional rural forms, making it visually engaging while maintaining a practical and compact form.
  • The project's design is a response to the limitations of standard row housing, innovating to meet the challenge of providing a wide variety of homes on small plots.
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