Grand Paris Sud
by No author in Paris, France
Details   Views:  107
Data Info
Author No author
City Paris
Country France
Year 2016
Program Urban Aggloemration
Technical Info
Site area 213000000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 351608 inh/ha
Home Units: 137680
Jobs 140000
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    -It is an urban agglomeration created by joining several municipalities, some of which were New Towns constructed in the 1970’s. -The objective behind creating Grand Paris Sud was to promote inclusion, innovative actions and place-specific integrated urban policies. -The region consists of a varied urban environment with a mix of traditional heritage towns, social housing estates and New Towns. -The New towns were constructed in the 1970’s to address rapid urbanization of Paris.They would act as smaller independent cities with their own urban amenities while providing housing and employment. -Initially , the New Towns acted as cities amidst the countryside. They were inhabited by young families who enjoyed proximity to work and the services within the New Towns. However, at present the New Towns have acquired a large number of immigrant residents.The locals have migrated to the central areas of Paris. - The creation of Grand Paris Sud aims to improve urban citizenship (rights of the residents in accessing urban facilities and public spaces in the city) and rights to facilities (housing,cultural,religious).This becomes important ,considering the prevalence of migrant populations who have limited rights. - An agenda by the local government - “politiques de la ville”- aims to initiate housing renewal,reduce territorial inequalities and improve urban citizenship to create a multicultural dimension in the area. -Several municipalities have been earmarked as areas for implementation of this agenda.They are the”Town Policy neighborhoods”. -The existing urban areas would be transformed to create inclusive and multifunctional public spaces. -Varied types of housing typologies have been proposed to accommodate diverse populations. - Transportation links within the area as well as to the surrounding areas would be improved to create an open and connected urban region. -It is being developed as an economic center. 60 business parks catering to various sectors such as bio-tech, aeronautics and robotics have been developed in the region.

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