Krøyers Plads
by COBE, Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects, GHB Landskabsarkitekter in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Data Info
Author COBE, Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects, GHB Landskabsarkitekter
City Copenhagen
Country Denmark
Year 2016
Program Residential development
Technical Info
Site area 20000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 105
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %

    Urban Design and Masterplan 


  • Consists of 105 apartments ranging in size from 79 to 250 m², offering a variety of living spaces to accommodate different household needs.
  • The ground floor of the three buildings is dedicated to restaurants, shops, and a supermarket.
  • Located between 300-year-old industrial warehouses, the site fills a gap in the continuous rows of old warehouses that line Copenhagen’s harbor.

    Architectural Context and Challenges


  • The development site was an architectural and political battleground in Copenhagen for over a decade. Many earlier proposals were rejected due to concerns from local organizations and politicians.
  • The final design was a modern interpretation of the old industrial buildings characteristic of the harbor front, reflecting the constraints and demands of Copenhageners. This democratic approach helped to gain public and political approval.
  • Folded roofs and a sense of architectural heaviness were integrated into the design to create a dialogue between the old and new, blending with the historical warehouses.

    Community Involvement


  • The development embraced a hyper-democratic approach, with local residents invited to help define the building height and select materials, ensuring that the new design would relate harmoniously to its surroundings.
  • The architecture draws inspiration from the harbor-facing gables, heavy materiality, and building height of the old warehouses, modernizing these features to meet contemporary functional and climatic demands.

    Sustainability Features


  • An award-winning development and holds a Nordic Eco-label, recognizing its adherence to strict environmental standards.
  • The buildings were designed with energy efficiency in mind, incorporating sustainable materials and systems to reduce the environmental impact of the development.

    Public Spaces and Connectivity


  • The development is surrounded by a wooden waterfront promenade, which has quickly become a popular public space
  • The integration of public-facing ground floors with commercial uses ensures that the development engages the broader community, contributing to the vibrancy of the harbor area.

    Architectural Design


  • The design  takes cues from the industrial architecture of the old Copenhagen warehouses, translating their significant characteristics—such as heavy expression, gabled roofs, and building materials—into modern design parameters.
  • The building materials and roof shapes were carefully selected to create a dynamic relationship between the historic and the contemporary, ensuring that the new development respects its context.
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