by KOHLHOFF & KOHLHOFF in Freiburg, Germany
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Data Info
City Freiburg
Country Germany
Year 2010
Program Sustainable Urban District Vauban
Technical Info
Site area 410000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 5000 inh/ha
Home Units: 2000
Jobs 600
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %



  • The site covers 38 hectares and houses more than 5,000 inhabitants and provides 600 jobs.
  • Attractive district especially for young families. In 2002 more than 20% of Vauban inhabitants were under 10 years old. The demand for land was stronger than availability. 

    Particiapatory urbanism


  • The "Learning while Planning" principle 
  • The site was divided into small plots and allocated to private builders and Baugruppen (co-housing groups).
  • About 40 co-housing groups were established alongside building cooperatives and the self-organized S.U.S.I.-settlement initiative. These initiatives enabled holistic public participation.
  • Participatory planning during the building stage was a great success. Legal, political, social, and economic participants were integrated from a small grassroots level up to the city administration. 
  • Concrete objectives were achieved or exceeded. 
  • While the development plan included some design and layout regulations, builders were given the freedom to design homes to meet their own aspirations



  • All houses were built with improved low energy standard, 65 kWh/m2a similar to the Swiss SIA380/1 standard. 
  • Around 150 houses  "passive house" (15 kWh/m2a) or "plus energy house" standard, producing more energy than they use. 
  • A highly efficient co-generation plant (CHP) operating with wood-chips is connected to the district's heating grid. 
  • Good insulation and efficient heat supply creates CO²-savings of 60%.
  • A large number of solar collectors and photovoltaic modules were installed. 
  • Around 65% of the electricity needed in Vauban is produced on-site through CHP and photovoltaic. 
  • Rainwater is collected separately for in-house use or filtrated into the ground. 
  • A new sanitary concept using vacuum toilets and biogas plants was introduced by one co-building group. 

    Ecological traffic concept


  • Reduced number of private cars, good public transportation, and a car-sharing system. 
  • Streets and other public spaces became playgrounds for children or other public uses. 
  • Parking Spaces/Residence: <0.5
  • Cars: 160 per 1,000 residents
  • NMT Mode Share: 64%
  • Transit Mode Share: 19%
  • Households with Carsharing Membership: 39%
  • Distance from City Center: 3 km; 



  • Developers: Multiple, mainly small building cooperatives 
  • Construction Began: 1998, Year Completed: 2010 
  • Distance from City Center: 3 km; 
  • Landscape Verges and set backs__ 5m 
  • Road Widths and shared use__ 6m 
  • Building offsets from other buildings__ 17m increasing to 50m 
  • Enclosed Communal Courtyard typically 1,200m² 
  • Path widths and access routes__ 3m
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