Culdesac Tempe
Details   Views:  192
Data Info
City Tempe
Country USA
Year 2023
Program Car-free Neighbourhood
Technical Info
Site area 68797 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 636
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 1 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • It is car-free neighbourhood being designed next to a light rail station. 
  • The project aims to address the missing middle in housing through its multifamily residential buildings which are affordable and accommodates various residents. 
  • The absence of vehicular movement has prompted the design to be irregular and akin to historic European villages. The building forms are inspired by local adobe structures. 
  • The plan consists of a wide central path from which branches out into narrow walkways or “paseos”. 
  • The wide central path starts from the northwest plaza near the light rail stop. It has been planned with plazas and community buildings along its length, which act as nodes. 
  • Each urban block is refereed to as a pod. It consists of buildings with central semi-private courtyards that provide access to the housing units. These shared open spaces are meant to foster a sense of community. These courtyards also remove the need for closed corridors which often become dead spaces. 
  • The overall urban fabric is dense with irregular pathways. The blocks placed close together provide shading from the desert sun. 
  • A hierarchy of architectural character is planned for the various building uses. Residential buildings are kept minimal while commercial and community buildings are designed with more complex designs and colours. 
  • In order to maintain human-scale the entire development is low-rise with residential buildings having 2-3 floors. The “paseos” are 8’ wide and act as a close-knit pedestrian network. 
  • The reduction in area required for vehicular roads has led to increased open and community space. There are no asphalt surfaces inside, leading to reduced urban heat-island effect. 
  • A series of innovative mobility elements such as e-scooters, shared vehicles as well as bike parking are provided. The light rail stop provides access to surrounding regions.
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