Brooklyn Navy Yard
by WXY STUDIO in New York City, USA
Details   Views:  123
Data Info
City New York City
Country USA
Year 2018
Program Urban Renewal
Technical Info
Site area 1214000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 30000
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • It is a modern industrial park that promotes urban manufacturing. 
  • It was formerly a naval shipbuilding facility. 
  • The Yard is divided into 3 development sites. Each site would have manufacturing facilities, amenities for tenants, and a public realm connecting the area. 

    Land Use


  • The site has retained its industrial land use. 
  • The site consists of 75 % manufacturing, 20% creative industries and 5% amenities. 
  • Public amenities such as a supermarket are being introduced to better connect the area to its surroundings while also maintaining the industrial activities. 
  • New land uses would be introduced along perimeter adjacent to city. This would help connect it with the surroundings. 



  • The site aims to create a vertical manufacturing campus to maintain affordability in the city. 
  • The buildings employ vertical zoning
  • The ground floors would have large-scale industries as well as retail and amenities. They would be transparent to showcase the work occurring inside. 
  • The intermediate floors would have small-medium scale businesses. 
  • The upper floors would have creative spaces, offices and research areas. 
  • Some historic buildings were restored for use as manufacturing and office buildings. 
  • The area has retained perimeter walls to ensure 24/7 security for the industrial tenants. 
  • Vehicular circulation within the yard is not restricted to allow for easy loading and truck movement for the tenants. 

    Creation of public spaces


  • Activation of ground floor through pedestrian plazas with improved wayfinding, lighting, streetscape and amenities. 
  • The Barge Basin Loop would be developed as a waterfront esplanade. 
  • The old Timber Shed and Captain’s house have been restored from salvaged material for community and civic functions. 
  • Some of the streets have plazas, trees outdoor seating and activated ground floor uses such as a food hall. 



  • The new developments would have LEED silver certifications. 
  • There would be adaptive reuse of historic structures
  • Wind and solar street lights as well as a rooftop farm have been created. 
  • The newer development would have larger setbacks to allow for the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway , a citywide cycling path.
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