Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Village (USC)
by JERDE,SP&CO in Los Angeles, Usa
Details   Views:  282
Data Info
City Los Angeles
Country Usa
Year 1984
Program University Campus
Technical Info
Site area 670000 sqm
Gfa 0 sqm
Density 0 far
Population density 7000 inh/ha
Home Units: 0
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • The Olympic Village for the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games was accommodated in the existing university campuses of various universities like USC located in and around Los Angeles. 
  • The Olympic Games was to be financially sustainable, so not many new buildings were constructed. A large part of the architecture was temporary using repurposed materials such as scaffolding, cardboard and Sono tubes. 
  • A design system was created to create a “kit of parts” for the various tents, kiosks, scaffolding arches that were to be placed throughout the city connecting the various venues. 
  • The creation of the design system enhanced wayfinding and created a sense of place. 
  • Scaffolding was extensively used in the Village to indicate boundaries of the campus in the form of arches and towers. 
  • The collaboration of architects and designers led to a bold, colourful and graphic design- inspired temporary architecture throughout the Olympic venues. The aesthetic helped indicate the festive environment and was named “Festive Federalism”
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